upstairs @AYH: two
by Joseph Lisk
Joe Lisk in a meditative moment at Playshop.
One of the things I enjoy most about playing with the music box project is trying out different ways of improvising. It's not like jazz (where I've come from), with its own specific language and conventions. The language is more about the space between the individuals - searching for some kind of common ground. So for this gathering, I thought it would be fun to explore this space and find common ground between individuals through a series of duets. I've paired myself and five fellow explorers and music box regulars (Naomi Johnson, Tina Stefanou, Pete Leung, Liz Jigalin and Joe Franklin) with six other fantastic and versatile musicians (Novak Manojlovic, Jacques Emery, Jack Stoneham, Miles Rooney, Holly Conner and Sam Gill). Each of these people will bring a different voice to the conversation, so I'm excited for them to meet.