
In 2019, the music box project headed to Bendigo (vic) for our debut at bifem (Bendigo international festival of exploratory music). This debut was in two parts: The cushion concert (presented to a pre-school age audience and their adult companions) and Shallow Listening (a concert built around 4 sonic pillars - 4 premieres).

the cushion concert featured Reservoirs (1970) by David Ahern and Preparing The Air (2019) by the music box project. buried in a pile of scores from all our previous performances to date (as well as scores from the shallowing listening project, to be performed the next evening), the music box project gradually emerged/were awakened one-by-one to explore this rubbish pile of notations. our performances are always connected to each other, and so preparing the air was not only a homage to clearing the Air by Moya henderson (to be performed as part of Shallow Listening), but a way for us to deepen the connection between the two shows.